Friday, October 31, 2008

The Lone Ranger is an Idiot

It's interesting what comes out when you're put into uncomfortable and new situations. Moving across the country is a good thing, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tough at times. I miss people. There is something so important and right about being in fellowship with one another, and as the cliché goes, I'm seeing it more now that I don't have it. I'm fine with this and was aware it was coming, but I have to admit that I forgot what this was like and how important it is to simply be with people.

No wonder we are told to keep meeting together.
No wonder unity is encouraged strongly in the Bible.
No wonder God made Eve.

This is just another example of God knowing our inner workings and what fuels and feeds a human; as simple as it sounds, we need love to survive. And so he offers it by placing us among others like us, and by offering us perfect love that humans cannot give. And even God is relational, a person though not a human, talking with Moses, grieved by Israel, fathering His people, jealous when his girl (read: us, the Church) is taken by other lovers. Genesis 1, speaking of God making humanity, says:
"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them."

The parallelism in these lines, simple as they are, tells me that being with people makes us human, and that the image of God is reflected in our togetherness.

Is this why men living as hermits become almost animals? Is this why the lonely have such deep and bitter sadness? Is this why the abused stop growing emotionally? By ourselves, the lies we believe become true to us because, well, we believe them, and our thinking is never challenged because no one is outside the control room to see what the driver may be missing.

Who we are is largely shaped by who we are with. I am fortunate enough to be in a very different spot than I was 5 years ago after dealing with some crap, walking along, and growing. If I had been left alone that whole time, I'm almost positive I would be exactly the same, if not worse off. When I think of what literally changed my life, it's not ideas, tests, achievements, money, or hard work, though these can be helpful. It's people (I include God here, whose love has cast out fears and worked absolute wonders) who have had the most impact.


Anonymous said...

Yeap your right! This broght memories; a couple of years ago I decided to take a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and decided that I wanted to go alone! ho what a mistake, I had the most terrible time ever... First I did'nt know what to do with myself and it was depressing going alone everywhere and no one to share the beautiful sites with and to top it off a hurricane hit Cabo and I was stock in a hotel room eating tuna sandwiches for a week! I realized how much I needed people in my life and how spoiled I was because I had never been alone...I definately agree with (Gen 2.18), I think there needs to be a balance
as well as in being alone and around people because there are some times that I really enjoy being alone but I definately need people to love and share my life with as well.

Stephanie said...

Didn't know you have a blog... I love it! You're a great writer. And,about your post, I love the fact that it's ok that we need others. In fact, we are supposed to. I think sometimes there is guilt associated with that.. We feel like we should be able to do it alone. But you are right that we are created in Gods image. He made us to need others. And the idea of relationships is his idea,not ours. And what a beautiful idea it is!
Btw, you are missed by all!

roberto attalla said...

roberto said...

Jake keep writing man... God bless you man... i pray for more awkward and uncomfortable changes in your life. i pray that God changes you inside out and then rebuilds you again.
i hope i am forced to get to know you from scratch because you've changed too much, because he's made you to be a man that cannot help it but take incredible risks for God...


P.s. it was good talking to you on the phone, and i think i may have figured out why you are you... you have some strange friends!!! totally a compliment though...

Jacob said...

Haha. Excellent. And thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ok Blaze, your come back has been short lived... Post up, my friend. Let's see some new work :)

How's the fellow-boating (as Jac would say) coming along?

RachelSowell said...

wow, Jacob, I just found your blog and it's great! How true is it that we crave relationships, we were not created to self-exist. Just as we are to rely on God to sustain us, we rely on others. We are created to be help-mates to one another and when that happens, God is most glorified. When you're always around people, it becomes routine. It's not until God moves us out of our comfort zone that we realize what we had taken for granted. But it's when we're out of that comfort zone that God grows us and teaches us the most about Him. But take heart, you've made at least one new friend!
-Rachel Sowell