Friday, March 23, 2007


So one of the main reasons I started this blog is because of some issues that have been hanging onto my thoughts; I've become very interested in theology and the nature of Christianity as we know it in America. It's something that has peaked my interest before, but the past week I've become more passionate about some of these issues.

A lot has changed recently (and they happened within seven days): arriving home from a trip to Australia, beginning a new job, and ending a romantic relationship that was almost a year old. These events seem to be serving as a frame for a new season, and I can feel myself going somewhere new. I'm suddenly very aware of me; there's a new self-awareness that I can literally feel. I haven't been single for a long time, and I can look back to the last time I was and see that a) I am a completely new man and/or b) I was a boy last time but am a man this time.

This growth excites me.

And so in all these changes, I'm getting in touch with parts of me that I've either overlooked or middled about in the past. I've been pushing into painting more and more, and this is beginning to taxi down the runway a little. I'm dreaming more about traveling to other countries, maybe/hopefully/I'd-better-be visiting Australia again, and the once-middlegray notion of involvement in church leadership is starting to show blacks and highlights and take shape. There were hints of this desire before, but something new is rising up in me.


brian jensen said...

jacob. a few things.

1. i need your phone number.
2. so i can call you.
3. im still at starbucks and sjsu.
4. stephanie williams is in my small group at my church.

Jon said...

one of us really need to take a trip to see the other one.

brian jensen said...

jon, i see you every day, so it would be pointless

Jon said...

oh yeah, i forgot.

see you tommorrow.

kristin said...

i dont know you, jacob, but i

1. like the way you write and like how you articulate yourself and like the things you are saying
2. think you ought to be cool, since i am good friends with jon and brian
3. apparently like to list things
4. hope you continue down this illuminated path you seem to be on

brian jensen said...

jacob: kristin
kristin: jacob

Jon said...

kristen, you made an assumption that you know us well. apparently after the video last night, you have a lot to learn my soon-to-be good friend.

(now would be a good place to stare me down without saying anything to try an outsmart me)

roberto attalla said...
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